Several months ago we got a call from a man seeking help who had been given a baby in a box. You read that right: A BABY IN A BOX!
A heroin addicted mother stumbled upon a stranger's porch, and gave birth to her breech daughter alone in the snow. A passerby noticed the distraught and disillusioned woman sitting covered in blood, holding a newborn baby.
He approached the mother and baby, reached into his pocket and cut the umbilical cord with his rusty pocket knife. He wrapped the baby in his shirt and gave them a ride to a neighbor's house where they were promised help.
These "guardian angels" cleaned her up, secured her umbilical cord with a chip clip, put her in a diaper and onesie they purchased from the nearest Big Lots and placed her in a shoe box. By the grace of God, they called Choice, and our team immediately got to work!

Choice Adoptions has become a leader in these emergency last minute adoptions in both Oregon and Washington. Our families are prepped and ready for anything and our entire staff are trained and on standby 24/7.
We need your help to continue offering state-of-the-art, innovative services to the evolving needs of our clients.
We are hoping you'll consider giving this November to ensure babies like this don't slip through the cracks.

When we say the word, "adoption" what comes to your mind?
Many people picture how it's wrongly portrayed in the movies: a young woman having her baby ripped away from her never to be heard of again.
Others think about a mother, unable to parent, selecting a family for an open adoption.
Some will think about family member or foster child adoption.
Only a few know the harsh truth...

Last-minute placements happen when a woman delivers her baby and chooses not to take them home from the hospital.
These women were drug addicted and often without a home; their babies born drug exposed and withdrawing. They never went to a prenatal appointment and the biological father was usually unknown. These situations are what we call last minute placements, and we're seeing more every year.
Can we count on you this November?

Along with you, we've watched the world around us change dramatically in the last few years. We continue to learn how to best support our communities and walk alongside the underserved. We are so grateful for the individuals and partners who have linked arms with us to best provide for the vulnerable children and families of Oregon and Washington!
In 2020, there were over 37,000 people in Oregon and Washington facing houselessness, and we've seen those numbers rise in 2022.
Choice is here to create safe and supportive options for women experiencing crisis pregnancy - who also face crises like addiction and homelessness. At Choice, we provide care and support on a practical and emotional level in order to see women empowered and children protected.
This year, our friends at ITech Painters are matching YOUR donations through Giving Tuesday! Will you partner with us to ensure babies and foster children find safe, loving permanent adoptive homes.