Choice Adoptions is a domestic child placing agency licensed in Oregon and Washington.
We have several programs available to match children and families.
However at this time our local and national domestic infant programs
are not accepting applications. Please check back in a few months.
You can request details by contacting our office by calling:
(503) 232-1211 or sending an email to mail@choiceadoptions.org

Affording Adoption
The prospect of paying for adoption can be intimidating. Never fear! There are plenty of resources to help make your adoption affordable.
5 Successful Adoption Fundraising Tips: A Real Adoption Success Story
As an adoptive mother, I know first hand how overwhelming the adoption process can be. As if the long wait for your child isn’t hard enough, you have to figure out how to pay for your adoption in time for your child to arrive. My husband and I successfully raised around half of our adoption costs through grants, loans, and personal fundraising. Based on our experience, here are my 5 tips to help you successfully fundraise for your adoption.