
The mission of Choice Adoptions is to serve
all people involved in the adoption process
and to protect vulnerable children.
Choice is comprised of social workers, counselors, and advocates who are here to help. If you are pregnant and considering your options, we promise to listen and help you wander through this difficult phase. We understand this time can be confusing and scary and our intention is not to talk you into doing anything you don’t want to do.
That is not our heart.
We believe everyone needs help from time to time. We also believe when we reach out to help others, all that love comes back and changes the way we think about the world. That love and sense of community raises our ability to love others right where they are.

We believe that no one benefits from being pressured and we have zero intention of judging you or your current situation. We have all been in places we wish we weren’t.
We promise to do our best to support you and relieve as much pressure as we can. If adoption is right for you, we will help you find an adoptive family who you love and who will love you back. If there’s not one on our website right now… we’ll keep looking until we strike gold.
If adoption is not right for you, it’s not right for you. We still care. Maybe you just need a nudge toward services, a safe place to go through the pros and cons, or help telling your family. Whatever it is, we have your back and promise to help as much as we can.
We believe that you have the right to decide what your future looks like and the future of your baby.
You’re okay. Life is not over. You are so loved.
You’ve got choices.